
Archive for November, 2009

Timeline of Marriage

One of the biggest arguments against marriage equality is that marriage has always been the same and doesn’t change. An argument like most that doesn’t take into account facts or history. In fact Marriage is something that is constantly being changed an amended. Whether its same-sex marriage or interracial marriage, the laws on marriage itself are very. Using the timeline site Dipty I’ve created a way to see a few of the key changes to marriage laws over the years without opening a bunch of books. Hope you enjoy!

Timeline of Marriage

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Gay News of the Week

Oklahoma doesn’t like the Hate Crime Bill

The Rep. State Senator for Oklahoma, Steve Russell, is introducing legislation that would exempt the state from having to abide by the laws set forth by the new Hate Crimes Bill.


Some Rights Due to Married Same-Sex Couples in New York

New York States Court of Appeals rules in favor of same-sex couples who were married in other states


Obama Administration Send Gay Representative to Talk about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Brian Bond the openly gay man who holds the office of Deputy Director of Public Engagement for the White House does Q & A about DADT.




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A Very Brave 10-year-old Boy

This week I saw something extraordinary and reassuring on CNN. A 10-year-old boy who lives in a very conservative state, Arkansas, stood up for gay-rights! 10-year-old Will Phillips says that he won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance till everyone in America has the same rights like the Pledge suggests we do.

When I first saw this I didn’t really know what to expect but this kid seems very smart, he even skipped a grade, and seems to know what he believes in and wants to stand up for that no matter what. With the things kids tease each other about  in school today it’s a brave thing for a boy his age to do something like this knowing the taunts he is going to receive. I think that it just goes to show that as the younger generations gets older, probably from my generation on, we don’t see things the same way that generations before us did. And as we get older and start being the ones who get to decided how our country is run the chances of equal rights for all get better. If everyone could just show support and bravery like Will I think we would truly live in a more free society.

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A group of students on the University of Cincinnati thinks so. A week after the defeat in Maine some students feel that the time for silence is past. Holding signs and sporting duct tape over their mouths these students asked the question, “Are you Listening”


Silence has it’s place, from the teachings of Dr. King in the 1960’s to the current trend in civil rights protest silent has been effective to an extent. But when does it become obsolete? When do we need to stop being silent and start making people listen to us? How many elections does the LGBT community need to lose before they start taking back to the religious-right who have plenty to say about their feelings on gay marriage.

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Changing your name after marriage when you gay

How hard is changing your name after you marry, when you gay?


Rev. Ted Haggard still confused

Two years after his sex scandal Rev. Ted is still talking in circles


39 ways Obama isn’t helping LGBT Community

A list of ways the Obama administration ISN’T living up to expectations




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Gay News of the Week

But Carrie Prejean supports Pornography

Former Miss American doesn’t agree with gay marriage but apparently has no problem with pornography


Gay Marriage moves on to New Jersey

With an incoming Republican Governor who has already said he doesn’t it if New Jersey wants to change their same-sex marriage laws they only have two months.


Gay Marriage Finally on the agenda for New York

Gov. Patterson of New York has finally added gay marriage to his agenda when he calls a special secession on Tuesday



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In Their Own Words

Marriage Equality like most causes has its core supporters and like most the supporters are people who are most effected by it, people in same-sex relationships. But studies have also show that individuals not effected are more likely to support the cause if they know someone who is, in this case someone who is effected by not having the same rights as other couples. The easiest way to see a point of view is by hearing someone who is passionate about it tell you why. In their own words supporters of same-sex marriage will tell you why they are so passionate about the cause.

Emily Borrelli

Straight Supporter

n1334880227_30199390_353900 “Who are we to tell two people that are in love that they are not allowed to legally go through with      what most consider the culmination of everlasting love: marriage? They pay the same taxes as everyone else. They hold down jobs just like everyone else. They are held to the same laws, standards, and societal ethics as everyone else. How can we effectively pass this legislation and essentially label the LGBT Community as second class citizens? It’s ethically, morally, and just plain WRONG!”

“Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States says,

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

“Frankly, I don’t care what the Bible says about gays. The Bible said that men could stone their wives and sell their daughters into slavery, but we don’t follow those passages. Why do people just think they can pick and choose when it fits their agenda? They are people. They laugh, cry, feel all of the same emotions as everyone else. Why can’t we let them love in the same way as everyone else?”

Meredith Clark

Lesbian Supporter

n1101662970_30098692_4629Marriage Equality means equal rights and equal opportunity to live the American Dream. It personally, means so very much to me, being as I am an out homosexual.”

“Nearly every American wants to meet the love of their life, get married to that one they love dearly and it be recognized by the judicial system. When I think about how still, in most states in this great nation, gays and lesbians are not viewed as “married couples”, it borderline sickens me. And how gays and lesbians may only have a lame commitment ceremony and NOT a legitimate marriage that is seen as such by our courts… I feel it’s a slap of disgrace in our faces.”

“Homosexuals have every right to be fall in love, get MARRIED, and not have the relationship be known as simply just a ‘domestic partnership’. It sounds so cold to me for some reason. NOT being able to be recognized as a married homosexual couple is saying that gays are not important enough or “normal” enough to be able to share the exact same rights and happiness as straight people are.”

“I understand that we as a nation have come far from where we all once were with the “ok-ness” of homosexuality, but we are still a ways away from ACCEPTANCE in society. To have equal marriage rights, to be acknowledged that our loves are just as meaningful and real as straight peoples, then that would definitely be a huge step closer to acceptance. And isn’t that what everyone wants in the world, is to feel accepted and loved?”

Jennifer Barker

Lesbian Supporter

5854_543861884720_45905960_32093274_5453765_n I believe that all people should be allowed to get married because marriage is not about gender but about the love that two people have for one another and the commitment to spend the rest of their life with that person…as well as continuing to grow and fall more in love with each other. It’s  a bond that makes two people one and allows them to experience and be apart of the American dream together. Love has knows no gender so why should marriage?”

“For a country where we are suppose to have equality opportunities why is gay marriage even an issue? Equal opportunities doesn’t only mean jobs, education but also freedom and equal opportunity to marriage whoever you want. Whether its a guy or girl whether they are white or black.”

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Election day 2009 brought both good and bad results for marriage equality.

In Maine the vote to allow same-sex marriage was defeated 53 to 47. The vote was on a bill that was originally passed by the the State Senate and signed into law by the Governor in May.

Even though the “No on 1″ campaign that supported gay-marriage raised over 4 million for their work they were still defeated, dealing another blow to marriage equality supporters everywhere.

The other measure, Referendum 71, in Washington DC was passed. The referendum gives same-sex partners the same states rights as married couples. Which is a step in the right direction for gay-marriage in the district.

Although the win in D.C. is a step in the right direction it still doesn’t mean equal rights. It does however set a president, according to the AP, “National gay-rights groups say the passage of Referendum 71 marks the first time a state’s voters have approved a gay equality measure at the ballot box.” Which is a good step but a still a small one.


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